1. 1Endoscope room
  2. 2 Physiologic Study Laboratories - echocardiography - brain wave
  3. 3Lung function, allergy,Blood vessel testing room
  4. 4Pediatrics
  5. 5General injection room
  6. 6Obstetrics & Gynecology
  7. 7Internal Medicine (Kidney/Infection/Allergic)
  8. 8Urology
  9. 9Administration (reservation, payment, certificate of hospitalization)
  10. 10Organ transplant center
  11. 11Mental health medical department (sleeping center)
  12. 12Otorhinolaryngology
  13. 13Surgery/Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
  14. 14Medical service cooperation center
  15. 15Ophthalmology
  16. 16Dizziness Center
  17. 17Gastroenterology center (check on gastrointestinal tract function)